Online canon shutter count
Online canon shutter count

online canon shutter count

The first tool used the free and opensource application ExifTool by Phil Harvey (Credit to that person!) to extract the required data from SONY ARW and JPG files. 16.The tool was created in april 2013 when a user called Micholand posted a way to read shutter count information on the A900.Cleaning your sensor in the middle of nowhere.Canon’s auto-ISO feature… Brilliant or blasphemy?.Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 and a new way of macro lighting.Values in this table are used by Canon, the values with a question mark (?) behind them are “guesstimates” given the line of cameras these values make sense, but they are unconfirmed. Remember, these values are average life expectancy of the shutters in various models. This list is an average, unconfirmed, and ‘?’ entries are guesstimates Shutter count life expectancy of various Canon DSLR models. In general, the more high-end the camera is, the more shutter actuation’s it can handle: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT / 350D So how to read the shutter counts of the older DSLRs? Actually I do not know, I’m not even sure these cameras track the number of shutter actuations…Ĭanon specifies a number of shutter actuations a DSLR should be expected to be able to perform throughout their lives. All cameras with a DIGIC III chip or newer appear to be supported. Why not? I’m guessing because the 400D has a DIGIC II chip. My old EOS 400D will not work using these tools.

online canon shutter count

Unfortunately not all Canon DSLRs are supported. Why isn’t my Canon DSLR supported by these tools? Now what’s that supposed to mean? It means you need to pay (and even that did not work properly on the website):Ĭrude but effective – The standalone version of ’s tool to read shuttercounts.Ĭrude but effective – A simple tool which simply does the trick! Where this program used to display the shutter count, it now said “AVAILABLE”. I had a little problem getting this running, but after manually downloading and installing the Active-X component I got everything running on my 64-bit Windows 7. Active-X means Internet Explorer, no other browser can do this. This website installs an active-X plugin into your browser that in turn will read the info from the first detected camera connected to your machine. One I remembered from a previous quest was. In order to get to the shutter count, you need to connect your DSLR via USB to your computer, but then what? I’m sure they have these tools at service centers, but not publicly available. No Canon tool I could find retrieves the shutter count.

online canon shutter count

OF course Canon has a utility that displays the shutter count right? Wrong. It is also unavailable from the 7D’s menu. The shutter count is definitely NOT included in the EXIF data that is included in the shots made. Shutter counts on Canon DSLRs is a little hard to get to. This blog post describes the how and what of my “quest”.

online canon shutter count

So I set off on the internet to find a way to do this. Ever wanted to know the shuttercount of your Canon DSLR? I did for my 7D.

Online canon shutter count